
Posts Tagged ‘Warpforged Crests’

As you may or may not be aware, I’ve been concerned about the number of Royal Crests I’ve been acquiring, or haven’t which is more accurate assessment. At the moment I’m RR73 and have about 40 royal crests, with 4 bits of sovereign armour. Not really a great position to be in. But I have to admit to being a bit of an idiot and have let my dislike of Thanquols Incursion (TI) blind me to it being a more reliable source of high level crests. Yes I know you all know this, but I’ve been a wee bit slow on the uptake.

All those Skaven incursions that have been popping  since I hit RR65 have been missed opportunites. They pop a lot more frequently than city sieges and all the doomflayer/warpforged crests in stage 2 and stage 3 can be swapped down for a lower set and most of the time it’s a straight bit of PvE, with a total run time of 20 mins. 

It’s another one of those circumstances where the apparent purpose of something wasn’t very clear at the start, but now the clouds have parted it’s a completely different ball game.

Well at least I have time to rectify to rectify my situation.

If you are playing Rift at the moment, I hope it’s fun. I’m sure the queues will get more reasonable in a couple of weeks. If you’ve still got queues in a months time, then look at it as being a very positive sign.

Hopefully we’ll have a response from Mythic in a couple of weeks time, as to what they have planned, to hit ex players with, once the 1st month of Rifts paid subscription is up.

I think it’s only wise to let these things run their cause.

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